A “Blood in the Streets” Moment for Long-Term Gains in Oil
For four long months between October 2014 and January 2015, oil prices tumbled down a black hole…one that seemed to have no bottom. And that was after a 10% correction in the oil market. The U.S. public was dancing at the pumps, and I filled my tank for less than $2 a gallon, a price I hadn’t seen since early 2009. The last time oil prices fell this hard this fast, the global economy was in a tailspin that threatened to turn into a depression. This time, though, the global economy is not to blame. This time, oil is having a true “blood in the streets” moment—one that could be very profitable to investors in the know. You see, lots of good investors will tell you to buy when there’s blood in the streets. Essentially, that means you’re getting assets on the cheap in hopes that those who pressed the panic button sent prices down too far.